Possible Grave found in Basement of Home

Published on 29 October 2022 at 11:48

A potential guest got in contact with me a couple weeks ago about coming on the show and talking about a possible grave that was found in their basement. You can clearly see where the ground has been disturbed, as the dirt inside where the possible grave is , is smoother than the surrounding. The Shovel in the image was where the owner dug down only a couple inches to see if anything was at the surface. There was a lot of white crystalline substance that was found in the dirt itself , as the owner mentioned, possibly lime as it was common practice for years to sprinkle lime heavily , if you were to bury something and not get the unpleasent after effects. The owner of the home wishes the grave to contain a Golden Retriever or other large dog that she has named Gwendolyne, and says that Gwendolyne hasn't bothered anyone in the home, could the home be haunted sure, it has as the owner has said, had  things happen in it since the 1920s, could the grave belong to a person, no one knows, unless the grave is exhumed, will that ever happen? no one knows.

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